根据文章/视频的内容生成一个学习课程。参考 https://breakingnewsenglish.com/ 中2-mini lesson的内容, 我设计了一个prompt: "Given the following English article, write an English learning material that contains: A 150-200 word summary of the key points of the article. A list of 10 important vocabulary words from the article with definitions. 8 true/false comprehension questions about details in the article. Synonyms for 10 words in bold from the article. 4 discussion questions for Student A and 4 for Student B about the article. 12 words from the article for a spelling exercise. A role play activity with 4 roles for students to discuss the article's theme. A speaking activity where students rank items by priority or importance related to the article's theme. The learning material should include all relevant sections to improve English reading, vocabulary, comprehension, discussion, spelling and speaking skills based on the news article." 供参考